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online-business-how-to-write-a-sales-page-1When you’ve created your product and set up your shopping cart, merchant account and gateway, you need to create a sales page. Here’s a basic outline that you can use.

This isn’t the complete story by any means. After all, you could take an entire course on creating a sales page — or pay an experienced copywriter $10,000 or more.

But it will give you the basics. You should try out various phrases, colors, font sizes, and layouts to see which options work best. That means, which version brings in the most money.

Use simple language, active voice, headings, and lists to make your sales page easy to read.

Start with your headline

Your headline needs to attract attention and intrigue the reader to read more. Which headlines have intrigued you? One that often works for me is:

3 mistakes you must not make to avoid [bad problem]

The 3 mistakes that almost everyone makes that hurts their [goal]

Another one is:

How to [get the goal] without [wasting time, money, pulling out your hair, whatever the frustration is that people feel]

State the problem

You want to identify the problem that the people who should buy the product have. You’re specifying the pain they feel.  You can also identify the people. For example:

Are you a coach who built a website, but no one came?<

The shameful truth is that….


If you’re frustrated with (or tired of) [problem], then you need to read this page!

Intensify the problem

You need to make it sound really bad. Think of the problem that the problem causes. It could be that people don’t make the money they should, don’t have time with their family, can’t leave their day job, etc.

For example:

When this happens, you struggle to support your family.

Prove your expertise

Unless you’re only selling to your list, many people who read the page won’t know you.  Tell people why you came to this solution, how it helped you, or how you got the knowledge to create the solution. This can be in the form of a (short) story and can include some of your accomplishments so people will believe you. It can be somewhat emotional, because people respond to that.

Some people put this section near the end, but it can be a powerful way to get people to connect with you.

Here is one place to put some testimonials from past customers. You can also sprinkle these throughout. If you don’t have any yet, give away a few free copies in return for a review and then pick some phrases from the review and ask permission to use it in your marketing. You can also use testimonials from previous services you’ve provided.

Present your solution

Say something like:

If you have this problem, I’m excited to offer a solution and it’s called [Name of product].

List the benefits of the solution. Explain how the benefits come from the solution.For example:
A website that converts: This course will clearly lay out the elements of a successful website and how to create them.

Use bullet points or a numbered list for your benefits.

Add a guarantee

Be sure to say that they can return the product if they’re not satisfied. Tell them that there’s no risk for them to buy the product. (Of course, you need to mean that.)

Add bonuses

Bonuses are very powerful for persuading people to buy. The last bonus should be so valuable that people should think, “I’d be crazy not to buy this.”

Summarize what they get

In a short format, repeat the main benefits, the product and how it solves the problem, and the bonuses. You can put a buy button before this.

Ask for the sale

List the steps they need to take. Don’t assume they can figure it out. For example:

In order to get [Name of product} so you can have [main benefit}, just

  1. Click the Get My Course button
  2. Complete the payment information on the next page.
  3. Read the instructions to download your course.

You can put 2-3 sales buttons throughout the page, even one near the top for people who just know they want your product and don’t want to have to read the entire sales page.

Add a reason to make the decision right away. This could be a discount that goes away after a few days, a limit to the number of people you can accept (usually for a live course that you lead), etc.

Do you know my DBD method of increasing sales? Read more about it here!

Add a signature and postscript

Some people write a sales page like a litter. At the end, they sign it and then ad 1-3 P.S. statements that reiterate the main benefits and urge readers to buy now.

If you’ve never written a sales page, write one now, even if you don’t have a product. Just make one up and write a sales page for it. It’s great practice!

If you have written a sales page, which techniques worked best for you? Leave a comment!

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